Category: Weiss Kreuz

  • Coming to Terms

    Omi was having one of those days. It was a day, like any other, at least to normal people. However, to Omi, it seemed that everything was just going right. They’d gotten the afternoon off school, and it was a Friday. Which meant that he’d have more time to study for his year-end exams, which…

  • Just Perfect

    The best part about this time of year was the smell, Youji decided, coming into the kitchen from the flower shop entrance. It was the twenty-forth of December, and the room was full of food – delicious, hot, well-prepared food. Ken had outdone even himself with this meal. Youji was a huge fan of Ken’s…

  • Bonds of Fate

    I met the prophet when I was eight years old. He was a tall man, and some people found him imposing. I don’t remember ever finding anyone imposing or frightening. He had strange eyes. Before my mother had died, she had likely told me stories about him – that he could, in fact, truthfully tell…

  • Seducing Omi

    It was mid-morning, and the flower shop was unusually empty. This was the case only due to the fact that it was Sunday, and they were closed. Aya was making sure all plants were fed, Ken was out jogging, Youji was asleep, and Omi was sitting at a table, bent over his schoolwork. The radio…

  • LiveJournal

    Ken’s Journal – Entry One Omi gave me a livejournal code. Then he walked me through getting a journal. This is really weird. What am I supposed to do with a journal? The first thing I did was make it a friends-only journal – and then I refused to list any friends. What’s the point…

  • The Porsche II: Aya Strikes Back

    “Mmm… Ken, watch it!” “Hmm?” Omi tried to free his knee from being squashed against the car seat, all the while keeping his contact with the insistent taller boy. “Mmm…” he mumbled again, into Ken’s kiss. He squirmed, trying to get comfortable. Ken helped him a second later, shifting himself so that they lay almost…

  • The Porsche

    “Not in the porsche.” The dreaded phrase. Youji sighed to himself, frustrated. He couldn’t even count how many times he’d heard that phrase. Even with one hand sensuously caressing Aya’s thigh… even with the redhead fiercely tugging aside his shirt in order to reach the skin underneath… even in the midst of serious necking… Not…

  • When in Rome – Part Seven

    Aya was sleeping. Well, he didn’t go to bed last night. Youji sat up against the cushions behind him so that he could comfortably watch his sleeping lover. If he were to move around too much, or make noise, the younger man would be awake in the next heartbeat. It had to be close to…

  • When in Rome – Part Six

    He wasn’t sure how long he’d been sleeping, but it had to have been a couple of hours at least. Omi rolled his shoulders, arching his back in a luxurious stretch. He felt warm, and Ken was still pressed up against him, his breathing steady against Omi’s throat. It’s real. Omi smiled to himself, feeling…

  • When in Rome – Part Five

    His head hurt. Youji groaned, pulling a pillow over his head. Fuck! What did I do last night? He hadn’t woken up with a hangover like this since he was Omi’s age. “Kill me,” he muttered, feeling his stomach turn. “Please.” He fought the urge to throw up. Told Aya I wouldn’t make a mess……

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